Our Purpose.

We are ambassadors, advocates, storytellers, educators and patrons working together to bring delicious, ethically sourced coffee to our immediate community and beyond. We focus on quality, beginning to end by working directly with growers and producers and roasting to bring out the natural flavors of the coffee bean. Every cup of coffee is sustainable, traceable, environmentally and culturally conscious. In this, we pledge to give back to the local and global community and strive to share our passions and purpose, committing to making a lasting meaningful difference in the world of coffee and community.

How we plan to make a difference.



From Farmer’s market exchanges, cuppings, trainings, and extraction classes, we want to share our knowledge!

Through storytelling and sharing our experiences interacting with producers and the supply chain we seek to educate and inspire others to share our passion for not only coffee, but people as well.



Our efforts to serve the community reach from local mountain bike trail maintenance, all the way to the farms themselves.

We support World Coffee Research, The Stumping Project and help organize round table meetings with players like producers and exporters to talk about coffee as a whole.



Getting out into the world allows us to understand the industry on a whole new level. Meeting producers, exporters, and agronomists builds relationships and creates interpersonal connections that drive our passion for people and product.

It also lets us connect with every aspect of the supply chain to better understand the process and the people involved.


Our Story

In October of 2020 Clementine Coffee Roasters and The Pour Choice joined forces. People had come and gone. Business had ebbed and flowed and at the end of the day, we learned that it is always better when you share your workload and successes with others. It was then we decided to embark on a new coffee roasting journey. Together we are Remedy Supply Co.

As Remedy Supply Co, it is our dream to bring you beautiful products full of heart and soul. We want to bridge the gap from producer to consumer through coffee and wine. We want to share the stories of our producers with the community and share stories of our community with producers. Together we are humble and eager to bring Remedy Supply Co. to our community and beyond.